My Mac and Me |
I settle down on my black, I don’t think it’s a real leather couch, in my bedroom within my lodgings. I have to move house all too often because of show touring but long to have a place of my own in London if it were only less expensive. Madonna is playing loudly on the radio downstairs, whilst I put ‘pen to paper’ and I need quiet to allow my thoughts to flow because this is my first attempt at public writing.
Hang on a
minute…pen to paper? What is that? Oh I remember, it’s what we used to do in
days of old before computer technology.
Folk have often said that I should write a book because I have so many stories to tell which are quite vivid with much detail. In other words-I talk too much but in reality I get a lot of my knowledge and information from reading, talking to people in general (meaning anyone and everyone) and locals whilst travelling. It is said that ‘knowledge is power’ but I am still on the quest to be a better writer…ask my recent uni classmates and lecturers whom I asked many a question or two or three etc. Even after a four-year degree and a Masters I still don’t quite feel I have conquered my skill in writing and will do another essay writing course at some point to feel confident about further education. I’m also writing these blogs without the aid and safety net of my proofreader so I am flying solo and it’s scary stuff.
Dream House…
So this is
blogging (simply meaning: a personal journal on the internet for everyone to
see) usually based on a theme, which sounds harmless enough but is it really?
Random unknown and
known people will be reading my inner most thoughts about what I feel, see and
do which brings us to the concept of knowing people with whom we don’t actually
know. This is the case in fact with celebrities where what is printed in the
press can give us the feeling that we intimately know these people, their
habits, lives and loves and details about their family life which borders on
voyeurism. Why on earth would anyone open oneself up to all of this I ask?
Blogs have emerged
with use of the internet and the rapid growth of publishing tools. Whilst attending university over 30 years ago, we didn’t have computers and all our
essays and work were hand written. In fact the second school I taught at in
1986 had a computer room with a few, would-be-now oversized computers. I remember my
fist oversized mobile phone (not the brick kind) in 1994 whilst performing in Cats and the calls were ridiculously expensive.
I nearly had a heart attack when I received my first bill. Move forward twenty
plus years and these gadgets, competitive in price, make and model whilst being
superceded by the newest model six months later are smaller, slimmer, lighter and can do
just about everything for you except make a cup of tea.
Blogging can be
interactive where readers can leave positive and negative comments but it also
means readers can be offended or misinterpret the piece. It can also create a
form of social networking where relationships foster between the writer and
Embarking on my newfound
writing, I found the long story-like emails to friends and family was becoming
an arduous task with my time constraints. I have been told that I write
similarly to the way I talk which isn’t necessarily a good or bad thing but it
does mean the readers who know me will hear my voice.
I am to be mindful
that this is on the world-wide-web and not to offend my family and friends,
lest they should disown me as I am quite outspoken with strong views but to
write interestingly or with story like wonderment. I adore talented actress and singer Audra McDonald’s
photo on Twitter, which has tape over her mouth.
Follow Audra McDonald on Twitter@AudraEqualityMc
I will learn to make these shorter I promise.
Thanks for reading
and cheers to you all from Purdy. Twitter@THEBONDIGIRL.