At times I will add a couple of musings to my blog such as tales from the playground:
1: On lining up a year 2 class (6/7 years of age) a boy in the front of the line said to me “You’re ugly Miss!” My reply was not of shock but in trying to help him understand that everyone has different likes and dislikes but it’s probably not a good idea to speak to people in that manner in case it upsets them. (Inside I was dying with laughter and humiliation).
Out of the mouth of babes...
2: Recently two 5 year olds were having a perfectly civil chat in the playground about their everyday lives:
Child 1: My brother’s still in gaol.
Child 2: Really, what did he do?
Child 1: He crashed his motorbike into a tree…after he robbed someone.
Child 2: Oh, my dad’s still in gaol too….
3: And then there’s the 7 year old excusing himself from class to go to reading:
Child: I’m going to reading now darling…
Me: Sorry what did you say?
Child: I’m going to reading now darling…
Me: Where did you hear the term ‘darling’?
Child: I don’t know?
Me: Are you parents in show business?
Child: No, I just call people darling.
Me: It’s not really appropriate so could you address me as Miss Purdy please?
Child: Yes Miss Purdy.
On returning from reading:
Child: I’m back darling…
Me: Thank you, please take your seat.