Thursday 2 August 2012



I have fond memories of attending the Sydney Games in 2000, which was a true highlight in my life. The sun was shining, it was school holidays and the ticketing wasn't a problem. The tickets weren't completed online but one filled out a form and sent it in receiving many of the requested events. I was even lucky enough to get all the events I wanted such a the Women's Gymnastics Artistic and Rhythmic, platform diving, men's water polo and all 21 events for approximately $200 Australian dollars. I didn't apply for tickets to the Opening and Closing ceremonies but watched them on TV, which was marvelous. The public transport was second to none with buses picking up people and dropping people off at various locations, the hero's of our games were in fact the colourfully outfitted volunteers who had a ticker tape parade and the city was a buzz with our events, big screens, 24hour a day cleaners, flower beds everywhere and our International Tourists which I enjoyed assisting and having chats with. We were lucky enough to have most of our Olympic events on the one site so for me running between 3 events in a day wasn't a problem but I had seen and done so much that I ran myself into the ground and was quite ill after the games. Watching our elite Australian athletes was such a thrill and filled me with so much pride that I never ever thought I could possibly love, or be more proud of my country than I already did. The only disappointment was not being able to fulfill my absolute dream by running with the torch. I had applied for both the Olympic and Paralympic Torch relays and got neither which was gutting but it meant there were people far more deserving than myself and it was a highly sort after activity. I have kept all my tickets and have many photos of which are in storage but I will never forget the Sydney games of the new millennium, which filled me with such delight. As an avid sports fan I hope the Olympic games delight all generations for the many years to come and may we all embrace the Olympic dream and values.